Exercise: Verizon Call Filter chat translator widget
At TNS, the Verizon Call Filter teams would conduct innovation workshops intended to generate ideas for the future of Call Filter. Workshops consisted of PM’s, designers, and devs. One of the ideas generated from one of the workshops was a chat translator feature. Translation apps and widgets are widely popular. One could argue you wouldn’t necessarily need Call Filter to incorporate that feature, but I wanted to find a way to make it unique to Call Filter. Since messaging is the primary use case for translators, I thought of a Call Filter iMessage widget. Other apps occupying this space are typically iPhoto, App store, Venmo, Google Maps, Tiktok, etc. For translator needs, it seemed to make sense to leverage this space within iMessage.
I began with some low fidelity wireframes in Figma. The concepts in this early stage also included voice dictation, but after some reviews with my teammates, it was decided against to include since it required an unnecessary level of complexity for a simple concept exercise. The idea behind the final concept was that the widget could automatically detect the language that needed translation and with AI’s help, assist the user in providing “canned” responses to basic dialogue. Click here for the simple click-thru prototype.